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Back in , Ubisoft choose to forgo launching a brand new Assassin's Creed game for the first time since Now Ubisoft has confirmed that the Assassin's Creed franchise will be skipping as well. Guillemot has said that rather than push to create a brand new game, the team will instead support Assassin's Creed Odyssey with additional content updates as a way to retain players following the game's launch this October.

At the time it was technically impressive, and the idea of a time-hopping historical action game was really novel. Now the series is well and truly established, the first game is more of a curio than something you would install expecting a good time. Jody Macgregor: The 2D spin-offs each explored a different setting with a different art style.

Here it was the Sikh Empire in , with visuals inspired by lithographs of the era framed by henna patterns. As neat as it looked, like the other Chronicles it was just a pretty reskin of Mark of the Ninja, this time with a protagonist whose limited toolset emphasized the big problem all these spin-offs had—they were essentially puzzle games, each checkpointed section needing to be completed perfectly, with controls that weren't precise enough to make perfection possible.

You die a bunch trying to figure out how it wants you to complete a section, and then you die a bunch more fumbling with the controller trying to convince the contextual controls to do what you want. Tom: This port of the Vita game explored stealth in more interesting ways than any of the other games on the list.

As Aveline you can change clothes to present yourself as a slave or a wealthy lady, manipulating NPC's assumptions to access restricted areas and get closer to targets. A lack of changing stations means changing appearance is a bit of a faff, but the main problem is the game's origins on a handheld system. Spectacle is an important part of Assassin's Creed's appeal, and Liberation struggles to deliver on a modern PC monitor.

Jody: The stark blocky shapes and red skies of propaganda posters informed the look of the 2D spin-off set in Russia. The variety it gained thanks to the two characters' different abilities—Nikolai has a rifle he can use in sniper sections, and Anastasia gains Helix powers that let her stealth through glitches—elevated it above India, but it was still let down by unresponsive controls and saves too far apart.

Samuel: The third game brought us a beautiful world, but one that felt so devoid of interactivity that you might as well have not been there at all. It's a criticism I'd level at the combat, too. I remember Assassin's Creed 3 as a game that plays itself against a beautiful backdrop.

But hey, it did debut the boat combat systems that would be built upon in Black Flag then turned into its own game with Skull and Bones , where the idea of fighting other ships actually made sense.

Tom: Assassin's Creed 3 has some of the worst missions in the whole series, full restrictive invisible walls, unclear instructions and boring tasks. It's a shame, because few games tell stories about colonialism, but AC3 manages to make it boring. It's quite buggy, too.

James Davenport: Love how it introduced those perfect, perchable V-shaped trees to the series though. Tom: An average retread of Black Flag in dull wintry tones. The ship combat is still fun, but it's impossible to escape the de ja vu if you've played and enjoyed Assassin's Creed 4 already. Jody: It's surprising that the big twist—you play a templar rather than an assassin for much of Rogue—has so little effect on what you're actually doing.

It's like one of those villain monologues, "We're not so different, you and I," only the conclusion you come to isn't "the assassins are no better than their enemies", it's "both sides are just doing variations on the same mission types".

Rogue does steal from the greats though, and if you want more Black Flag, here it is. Tom: Paris is my favourite Assassin's Creed city. It's absolutely gorgeous, even in the slum areas.

Sadly it was an overambitious project and the game suffered from a ton of technical problems. The involved loot system hinted that the series might move into RPG territory long before Origins arrived, but it wasn't particularly interesting. Arno was a complete nobody and the story is chronically dull.

A real missed opportunity given the beautiful setting. Jody: The bugs have mostly been fixed and a modern rig can run it smoothly at last. Plus, the ridiculous mobile app tie-in that wouldn't let you open certain chests unless you'd progressed in its minigame is long dead and you'll have access to all that stuff immediately.

Unity today is much closer to the game it should have been at launch, and just quietly it's pretty good. I don't even mind Arno. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Create your website with WordPress. Follow Following. Sign me up. Odyssey is also "much longer" than Origins opens in new tab , and has probably required more resources to make.

Ubisoft released a new Odyssey trailer yesterday , featuring plenty of fighting and an appearance by a snake-haired Gorgon. Thanks, Gamespot opens in new tab. He's now a full-time reporter covering health at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.


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